Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Contoh Silabus Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas XI

NAMA SEKOLAH                  : SMK Swasta Bhakti Luhur
MATA PELAJARAN               : Bahasa Inggris
KELAS/SEMESTER             : XI / 3-4
STANDAR KOMPETENSI   : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary
ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 146 X 45 menit

2.1.  Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli
·    Talking about hobbies and interests
- Do you like fishing?
- What do you like doing  in your spare time?
·    Guest handling
- What can I do for you, Sir?
- Welcome to  our hotel.
- I hope you enjoy the food.
  Grammar Review
·    Yes – No questions
- Are you a secretary?
·    Question tags
- The board meeting starts at seven, doesn’t it?
·    Questions with question words
- Where does the boss live?
- Why do you come late?
·    Listening:
− Answering questions based on recorded materials.
− Dialogues about guest handling
·    Speaking:
− Telling about one’s own daily activities.
  Role playing about guest handling
·    Reading:
− Answering questions about hobbies and interests
·    Writing:
− Writing descriptions of other’s daily activities.
− Writing sentences containing gerund .
·    Pertanyaan dengan  pola yes-no questions dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan  dan dijawab dengan benar.
·    Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dengan benar.
·    Pertanyaan dengan  pola question words dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan  dan dijawab dengan benar.
·    Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran /hobi dan minat.
·      Tes lisan
-   Dialog berpasang-an

·      Tes tertulis
-   Melengkapi kalimat
-   Pilihan Ganda
-   Membuat
-   paragraf pendek

v English in Vocational Context

·    Gerund as subjects and objects
- Smoking is dangerous.
- I don’t like fishing.
·    Gerund as complement:
- Her job is sorting the mail.
·    Gerund after preposition:
-  Are you interested in collecting stamps?
·    Constructions with ‘too’ and ‘enough’
- The soup is too salty for me.
- The hotel room is comfortable enough.
− Arranging sentences containing “too” and “ enough”
·    Ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel, restoran, travel agency, dll. diperagakan dengan benar.

v English in Vocational Context
2.2.  Mencatat pesan-pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun melalui alat
·    Expressions dealing with telephone conversations
Grammar Review:
·    Personal pronouns
- I – me – my – mine - myself
·    Reported speech
- He said that you had to pay for the tickets
- He asked you to pay for the tickets.
- He wanted to know if you would be available in the afternoon.
- He wanted to know where you put his umbrella.
§   Adjective Clause
-  Do you know the staff who will be promoted our new division manager?
·          Listening:
− Listening for information from recorded materials.
− Understanding telephone conversations
·          Speaking:
− Telling the infomation obtained from recorded materials
− Role playing on telephone conversations
·          Writing:
− Writing messages based on telephone conversations
− Composing sentences using reported speech, personal pronouns and adjective clause.
·    Pesan (message) yang diterima lewat telepon dicatat dengan benar.
·    Pesan (message) yang diterima secara langsung dicatat dengan benar.
·       Tes tertulis
-     Melengkapi kalimat
-     Membuat kalimat dengan reported speech
-     Mencatat pesan yang diterima

·       Tes lisan
-     Menceritakan pesan yang diterima


v English in Vocational Context
2.3.  Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari dalam konteks profesional atau pribadi yang bukan penutur asli

·      Using the expressions about job responsibilities
·      Telling about people’s educational background
·      Samples of curriculum vitae
·       Expressing facts and figures :
-  The graph shows that population growth has been high this last decade.
-  The latest data show that about three billion rupiahs have been spent for the construction of the factory.
·          Listening:
− Dictation
− Answering dialogues given by the teacher
·       Speaking
Asking someone’s profession
- Explaining someone’s profession
·       Reading
− Understanding and discussing diagrams containing facts and figures
·       Writing
− Rewriting someone else’s curriculum vitae
− Writing one’s own curriculum vaitae

·    Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam Simple Present dengan tepat untuk menerangkan tugas dan pekerjaan berbagai macam profesi.
·    Berbagai ungkapan digunakan dengan menayakan dan menjelaskan profesi seseorang
·    Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam Simple Past dengan tepat untuk menerangkan latar belakang pendidikan berbagai macam profesi.
·    Curriculum Vitae yang sederhana ditulis dengan benar.
·    Berbagai ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk menjelas-kan fakta dan angka (facts and figures) pada suatu sajian data.
·       Tes lisan
-     Menanyakan profesi
-     Menjelaskan profesi

·       Tes tertulis
-     Melengkapi kalimat/ form
-     Menulis curriculum vitae


English in Vocational Context
2.4.  Menceritakan pekerjaan di masa lalu dan rencana kerja yang akan datang

·    Telling about past events
- I saw the crowds were helping the accident victim.
- We had locked the room when she came.
·    Telling about future plans
- The meeting will be over at two PM.
- When you arrive at the office, I will be conducting a meeting.
·    Sample of a personal letter (telling about past and future events)
·    Grammar review:
- Relevant tenses.

·       Listening
− Answering questions of one’s past experiences.
·       Speaking
− Telling one’s own plans (future)
·       Reading
− Reading for information: dialogues, passages
·       Writing
− Composing personal letters
− Translation

·    Ungkapan tentang kegiatan masa lampau dikemukakan dengan benar.
·    Ungkapan untuk mengemuka-kan kegiatan di masa datang digunakan dalam Tense yang benar.
·    Surat pribadi yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan masa lalu dan rencana di masa depan ditulis dengan benar.
·       Tes lisan
-     Menceritakan peristiwa masa lalu
-     Dialog
·       Tes tertulis
-     Melengkapi kalimat
-     Membuat surat
-     Menerjemahkan


v English in Vocational Context)
2.5.  Mengungkapkan berbagai macam maksud hati
·    Giving invitations
- Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight, please?
- With pleasure.
- I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve already got an appointment.
·       Bargaining
- Is there any discount for this shirt?
- How about fifty thousand rupiahs?
·       Expressing certainty
- I’m sure that it’s going to rain this afternoon.
- It must be him who called.
·       Giving and responding to compliments
- Fantastic!
- You look beautiful tonight.
- Thank you.
·       Expressing opinions
- I think that’s not true.
- What I have in my mind is that ....

·    Listening:
− Answering questions based on dialogues about giving invitations, bargaining, expressing certainty, compliments, expressing opinions, agreeing/disagreeing, and arguing
·    Speaking:
− Performing dialogues based on given situations.
·    Reading:
− Answering questions based on written texts.
·    Writing:
− Writing dialogues based on given situations.

·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyampaikan undangan digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk melakukan tawar-menawar (bargaining) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan kepastian (certainty) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk memberi dan merespon pujian digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan pendapat/opini digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan persetujuan (agreeiing-disagreeing) digunakan dengan tepat.
·       Tes lisan melalui role play / dialog

·       Tes tertulis
-     Melengkapi dialog
-     Menjawab pertanyaan
-     Melengkapi kalimat
-     Membuat dialog

v English in Vocational Context

·          Expressing agreement/ disagreement:
-         You’re right.
-         I’m afraid you’ve got wrong information, Sir.
§   Expressing argument
-         Yes, but don’t forget ...
-         That may be so but ...
·    Grammar review
− Conjunctions / concessive relationship.
− Constructions with “used to”:
    a) be/get  used to + V-ing
    b) used to + Verb 1
− Noun clause as object:
      -  I never believe that
         there will be another

·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan argumentasi digunakan dengan benar.

v English in Vocational Context
2.6.  Memahami instruksi-instruksi sederhana
·    Expressions used in describing processes:
- First, ...
- Next, ...
- Then...
- Finally ...
·       Expressions used in asking for and giving suggestions and advice:
- What do you recommend for a headache?
- You’d better see a doctor.
·       Expressions used in asking necessity and obligation:
- We must be there before the boss comes.
- It is necessary for us to be there on time.
·       Expressions used in persuading and convincing:
- Why don’t you try our special drink bandrek to warm up your body.
- If I were you, I would …
- I’m sure you are on the right track.
- I bet you could do it.
·       Grammar review:
− Degrees of comparison
− Imperatives
- Don’t smoke at the petrol
- Keep silent; the baby is
·       Listening
− Listening for information on how things work.
− Dialogues about asking for and giving suggestions and advice, necessity and obligations, convincing and persuading
·       Speaking
− Telling about how things work.
− Role playing how to ask for and give suggestions and advice.
− Interviewing dealing with convincing and persuading, necessity and oligations
·       Reading
− Reading for information: dialogue passages
·       Writing
− Making dialogues based on the situations provided.

·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menggambarkan proses kerja dan atau berfungsinya suatu alat dikemukakan dengan benar.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk meminta dan memberi saran dan nasihat (suggestion and advice) digunakan secara tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan keharusan dan kewajiban (necessity and obligation) digunakan dengan tepat.
·    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk meyakinkan dan membujuk orang lain (convincing and persuading) agar menerima pendapat atau usulan yang diajukan digunakan dengan tepat.
·       Tes lisan
-     Menjelaskan proses kerja / cara meng-operasikan alat

·       Tes tertulis
-     Menjawab pertanyaan
-     Pilihan ganda
-     Membuat dialog


v English in Vocational Context
2.7.  Membuat pesan-pesan pendek, petunjuk dan daftar dengan pilihan kata, ejaan dan tata tulis yang berterima
·    Samples of short messages, directory, and lists.
·    Content, punctuation, and spelling.
·          Vocabulary game
·          Rearranging words / sentences
·          Composing short messages. Directions, or lists based on the situation given by the teacher.
·    Kata-kata dipilih dengan tepat dan dirangkai menjadi pesan pendek, petunjuk atau daftar
·    Kesimpulan dari suatu pembicaraan ditulis dengan benar menjadi suatu pesan pendek, petunjuk, atau daftar
·    Tes lisan
-     Menyampaikan pesan secara lisan

§ Tes tertulis
-     Membuat pesan singkat dan atau petunjuk cara penggunaan alat secara tertulis.

v English in Vocational Context

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Guru Mata Pelajaran,



                                                                                                                                                                       AGUSTINUS SIHURA, S.Pd

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